Debate (29 May 2023) – “Is the AI a threat to the copyright law?”

On 29 May 2023 Schola Legem students scientific association conducted a debate entitled: “Is the AI a threat to the copyright law?”.

The theme of the debate concerned the problem of the copyright laws in the context of the AI being under constant development in the area of audio-visual works of art.

In majority, the participants of the debate advocated the position that advanced artificial intelligence does not pose a threat to copyrights, since each and every case of plagiarism or a clear copy somebody else’s work by the artificial intelligence can be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Outdated Polish regulations regarding copyright were also mentioned (among others, the Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights), whose solutions should be amended and revised in order to be up to today’s technological standards.

Philosophical-cognitive science was brought up in the course of the discussion, which consisted of a statement, that the AI did not have the ability for abstract and creative thinking, which is essential to be inspired during the process of producing art and not to copy or commit plagiarism of somebody else’s work. The participants of the debate also discussed the possible repercussions that would arise when machines gained self-awareness.

Moreover, the debaters also referred to the internal regulations of publicly available tools for creating visual works (such as DALL-E, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion), which treat the rights to the produced image in different ways.

The members of Schola Legem compared Polish legal system in the scope of AI with the regulations and approaches towards it in UK or USA.

The participants of the debate.

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