👨💼 On December 8, 2023, a meeting of members of the Schola Legem with the invited guest – Mr. Dariusz Sus – took place in room 413 of the Library building.
💵 The meeting was unique due to its topic, which went beyond legal aspects, but remained closely related to them.
💶 During the meeting, participants had the opportunity to learn about the organizational structure of corporations and the “Big 4”, which are the four largest companies in the world conducting financial audits.
💷 The position of a lawyer in tax consulting, as an in-house lawyer and other career development paths in global companies were discussed.
💹 Meeting participants learned that a universal law course combined with knowledge of finance, auditing and accounting allows you to start your career path in companies that enable you to work in any corner of the world while developing yourself and increasing your qualifications.
💸 Students eagerly engaged in discussions and asked questions to learn about the non-obvious career path after law studies.
💴 Schola Legem would like to thank Mr. Dariusz Sus for coming and sharing his valuable, practical knowledge with the students.